September 13, 2016

3 Small Poems & a Haiku to Awaken your Intuition.

Courtesy of Author, Toby Israel

The past few weeks have been a time of deep insight for me. After a year of mostly-solo wandering, I am finally reflecting on—and beginning to understand—the process of growth my heart has witnessed.

These small poems reflect my own experience, but I hope they will speak to yours, too. Fear, self-realization, love, chaos, peace and transformation—these themes nestle at the core of every life.

Sometimes, we can’t approach our revelations in essay form. Sometimes, more words somehow cloud our clarity—and sometimes, maybe, fewer words really do speak louder.

I offer my experiences, distilled to the essence, with the hope that they may be of benefit to you.

I was Fearless about Everything—except you

I wasn’t afraid of anything—
Not darkness
Not heights
Not motorcycles
Not risk
Not unknown cities
Not death.
But just one glance from you
without love
Could make my blood run cold.


Things Once Lost

The weight of his hand
on my heart
Sent shivers to the tips of my hair,
reminding me of
I never should have forgotten:
There is a soul in this body,
and she is wild.


What I Know

There is a place
just behind my heart and above my gut
where my wings beat—
You can’t see them
But I can.


Where I Am {Haiku}

A gasp in between
Earthquake and hurricane—
Smooth. I like it here.

Author: Toby Israel
Image: Author’s Own

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