Amy Schumer wants us all to vote next Tuesday, November 8th—and she expresses that desire in a classically Schumerific manner.
Just when I thought I couldn’t handle anything more related to the impending election, she put out this gem of a PSA:
After telling viewers that whether or not they vote is a matter of public record, she warns: “Anyone who knows you can just look that shit up…even our parents.”
“Okay, so I guess I am here to tell you to vote,” she continues. “Or at least cover your own ass, so you don’t seem like a steamy dump.”
“Your decision to vote or not is up to you—but judging you for that decision could be up to the Internet,” Schumer continues.
Who is Amy voting for? “I’m still undecided,” she bluffs.
Schumer is one of the latest celebrities to speak out on this historic election.
Author: Lynn Shattuck
Image: screenshot
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