December 1, 2016

Only in the Present Moment are we Truly Alive. {Poetry}

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A poem to say thanks.

The energy filling the room is gentle, yet electric.
The ambiance feels vibrant.
The sounds, your sounds, are surrounding me like a cocoon.

Your eyes, softly, looking for the glimpse of your comrade.
Knowingly, you smile.
As I breathe deeply, the music grounds me.

I am here, fully present.
Fully blessed to be able to soak in this beautiful moment.
I feel carried.

For I have been closed off for way too long now.

Too many pieces of myself shattered,
Scattered on the path that I call my life.
Making it impossible for me to re-connect.

But as you softly whisper, creating rhythm and foundation,
Your vulnerability touches me.
For letting ourselves be seen is the most courageous thing we can do.

As your fleeting hand caresses the instrument,
My heart opens—
Layer by layer, slowly uncovering all kinds of raw emotions.

And as the small crack in my heart grows a little broader with every song you share,
I feel the light come in.
I feel how it shines on the hidden corners that have been in the dark for too long.

And as gratitude is filling up my heart space, I feel truly alive.





Author: Rebekka Lehmann

Image: Instagram @withloveandpetals

Apprentice Editor: Julie Barr // Editor: Yoli Ramazzina


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