January 17, 2017

Can You See Me? {Poem}

Can you see past the graying hair—

To the vibrancy of the woman

Still young(ish) at heart,

Who lives inside this middle-aged body?


Can you see the hopes and dreams

That her heart still contains,

Even if time is marching on

And she appears to have given in

To a life with less sheen

Than she imagined for herself

Once upon a time?


Can you see that the siren

Nowadays more outwardly subdued

Is still there,

Ready to come alive

To the right touch?


Can you catch a glimpse of her soul

That longs for connection and intimacy

Or detect the fiery heat that

Has not died out

But still burns with passion

Beneath her rounded belly?


Could you stroke and kiss that rounded belly,

Tug passionately at that graying hair,

Make eager acquaintance

With every single inch of her body?

Would you love her in her glorious entirety,

As she deserves to be loved?

Can you see this woman

For all that she is

Beyond the exterior?

Not just look at her

But look right into her

And want to stay in that place?


Would you be willing

To get under her skin

Slip into her heart

Enter fully into her life?


Can you see that she has not let herself go?

She is letting herself be.


Look beyond the surface to see her,

Really see her.


Can you see me?



Author: Hilda Carroll

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Image: Flickr/Greg Nehring

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