January 22, 2017

If you missed the Women’s March, just watch this to get all the goodness in your heart.

It’s the happiest empathy-fullest protest in histoooooorrrrryyyyy!

This was the most powerful event that I’ve ever been part of. Marching alongside my hero mom, on my birthday, was an incredible way to celebrate the human spirit! ~ Duzer!


At 2.5 million strong, Women’s Marches crush expectations (usatoday.com)

Totals still coming in:

Washington DC: Numbers were estimated at around 500K—which would make this the biggest inaugural protest of all time. Some new estimates are at 1.2 million, in Washington DC alone.
LA 750,000 + > 750K Flock to Downtown LA for Women’s March Los Angeles (nbclosangeles.com)
NYC 400,000 +
Chicago 250,000
Denver 200,000 > Women’s March on Denver swells to more than 100,000 (denverpost.com)
Seattle 150,000
Boston 175,000+ (updated)
Madison Wi 100,000
Portland 100,000
Minneapolis 75,000
Atlanta 60,000
Austin 50,000
Philadelphia 50,000
Raleigh 18,000
Des Moines 26,000
Pittsburgh 25,000
San Diego 22,000
Nashville 20,000
Santa Ana 20,000
St Petersburg 17,000
Cleveland 15,000
Oklahoma City 12,000 +
Kansas City,MO 10,000
Charlotte 10,000
Ithaca 10,000
Greensboro 8,000
Montpelier VT 8,000 +
Asheville 10,000
Albuquerque 10,000
Tallahassee 10,000+
West Palm Beach 7,000
Orlando 6,000
Tucson 15,000 (updated)
Trenton 5,000
Athens Ga 4500
Doylestown, PA 2,000
Hillsborough (my town!) 2000
Harrisburg PA 1,100
Jonesborough TN 1000+
Saskatoon 800-1000 (pop 260k) only doing US atm
Palmer AK 800
Murray KY 700
Black Mt NC 400
Morganton NC 500
Houghton / Hancock Michigan: 300+
Sacramento, CA 20k (updated)
Phoenix, AZ 20,000
Boise, ID 5,000
Oakland – 100K
San Jose – 30K
Walnut Creek – 4K
San Francisco – ???
New Orleans – 10K
St. Paul – 90k (updated from earlier)
Denton, TX – 500+
Buffalo, NY – 3,000
Springfield MO – 2000
Ann Arbor, MI – 6,000
Dallas,TX 7000
Montpelier, VT – 15k+
Miami,FL – 10,000
Bend, OR – 3,000+
Houston, TX – 20k
Kodiak, Alaska – 300+
providence, RI – 5000+
Fargo, ND – 2500
Lexington, KY – 5k+
Little Rock, AR – 7,000
Omaha, NE – 6-10,000
Augusta, ME 10k
Portland, ME 10k
Hartford, CT – 10,000
Santa Cruz, CA – 3k
Bellingham, WA – 6-10k
Montana, MN 10k
Olympia, WA: 10,000
Memphis,TN – 9k+
Greensboro, NC – 3k+
St. Louis, MO – 13-20k
Columbia, MO – 2k+
Charleston, SC 2,000
Indianapolis – 10,000
Helena, MT: 10,000
Champaign, IL – 5000
San Marcos, CA 10,000+

Flagstaff, AZ 2k

Also be sure to take a look at the NYT’s photos from marches around the world, if you haven’t already: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/01/21/world/womens-march-pictures.html

Trump has already signed end of Obamacare. He’s already eliminated any mention of Climate Change from the White House web site. He’s not wasting any time. We can’t either!

A few of my favorite signs, and more inspiration:

Love makes our World great. Not hate. Not aggression. Not killing healthcare. Not killing our environment. Not killing education. Let’s share up some empathy for our sisters and brothers and society and planet—but let’s feel free to point out the truth, too. 🇺🇸 To all those telling all of us to shut up about President Trump, I say, respectfully: sorry. 🇺🇸We need to get the word out not just on inspiring quotes but on good journalism, threats to education, our air, water & animals (climate change and extinction are connected), healthcare, economy, peace and equality—so we can, together, come together. 🇺🇸Trump signed the beginning of the destruction of #obamacare just now. In so doing, he’s not only selfish, he’s wrong: it’ll deprive millions of basic care and ability to work to strengthen our economy and…that’s not all…cost us taxpayers far more! The GOP has already moved to hide costs. 🇺🇸 “…essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it. The order states what Mr. Trump made clear during his campaign: that it is his administration’s policy to seek the “prompt repeal” of the health insurance law, which has come to be known as Obamacare. But he and Republicans on Capitol Hill have not yet devised a replacement…” #nytimes 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 One note: There is nothing divisive or hateful about calling a Trump a spade (or any politician, left or right) if they wish to reverse course on equality, health or climate change, let alone crash our economy. 🇺🇸 Agree or disagree? We can do so respectfully, and learn from one another. 🇺🇸Contribute at elephantjournal.com/submit

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To all those telling all of us to shut up about President Trump, I say, respectfully: sorry. 🇺🇸We need to get the word out not just on inspiring quotes but on good journalism, threats to education, our air, water & animals (climate change and extinction are connected), healthcare, economy, peace and equality—so we can, together, come together. 🇺🇸Trump signed the beginning of the destruction of #obamacare just now. In so doing, he’s not only selfish, he’s wrong: it’ll deprive millions of basic care and ability to work to strengthen our economy and…that’s not all…cost us taxpayers far more! The GOP has already moved to hide costs. 🇺🇸 “…essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it. The order states what Mr. Trump made clear during his campaign: that it is his administration’s policy to seek the “prompt repeal” of the health insurance law, which has come to be known as Obamacare. But he and Republicans on Capitol Hill have not yet devised a replacement…” #nytimes 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 One note: There is nothing divisive or hateful about calling a Trump a spade (or any politician, left or right) if they wish to reverse course on equality, health or climate change, let alone crash our economy. 🇺🇸 Agree or disagree? We can do so respectfully, and learn from one another. 🇺🇸Contribute at elephantjournal.com/submit

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“‘What are women marching for on 21st January?’ In the last few days I have heard this question over and over again. There seems to be confusion and ambiguity about the intention of the march. Are we marching against Donald Trump? Are we marching against sexism? Are we marching because we wanted a woman to be president? Are we marching for the Affordable Care Act? Has the march lost its meaning since the idea of it started back in November? I’ve marched dressed in white for peace. I’ve marched in silence for justice. I’ve marched with flowers for those that have disappeared. I’ve marched with signs because of those who have taken illegitimate power and abused it. I’ve marched in tears for the thousands of woman, men and children found dead along the border. I’ve marched loudly for Palestine and Libya. I’ve marched with my family. I’ve marched alone. If you have been to a march before, you know how the collective energy spreads through the lines, getting stronger with every step. It’s alive. Marches have changed history.” Continue reading: “This is What I am Marching For” on elephantjournal.com #womensmarch #elephantjournal #mayitbeofbenefit

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If you feel weak, today, weak with grief—that is your heart. If you feel remorse, today, or fear—that is your intelligence. If you feel angry, today, the sort of loving anger that expresses itself in hard work toward true peace, that is your guts. If you feel appreciation, today, for what has come before—that is your good nature. Acknowledge all you feel today—do not hide, or distract yourself. Feel it, and then let go into the present moment. For it is in this moment, and all future present moments, that we must work together to quickly right the many wrongs that descend now upon us and our communities and our surprisingly-fragile nation, and our hot planet. ~ @WaylonLewis 🇺🇸 Get our daily mindful inspiration: elephantjournal.com/best

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If you’re feeling sad, spend half an hour scrolling through #womensmarch. It’ll remind you that if and when we stand up, together, we have real power. 🇺🇸 Share your story: elephantjournal.com/submit 🇺🇸🐘🙏💔♻🐝🚲☕Trump’s presidency is a blessing—if we make it so. The only way a democracy works is for We the People to be active, caring, to protect the rights of those weaker—our fellow humans who might otherwise be blamed or prejudged, our endangered animal friends, our hot planet. If we’re active, if we contribute—we might find our path, our cause, our vocation. And this country could be the better for thousands upon thousands of newly inspired citizens. This is not left vs. right: this is a call to kind and honest happy warriors everywhere. It’s not my call: it is your call—it is this moment’s call. If we do not answer it, tomorrow’s Inauguration may well inaugurate the beginning of the destruction of the institutions of care that have been created over the generations. Let’s light up! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🐘 Contribute your own story around Obama, Trump or the Inauguration: elephantjournal.com/submit ☕ 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🐘🇺🇸”Times have always been hard. Times have always been full of kind folks working to create a kind society—and others mostly looking out for themselves. It’s our job, now, to serve the good and decent cause of both liberty and justice. Together, if we stand up, we are powerful.” ~ @waylonlewis 🐘 Get our best, not just our popular: elephantjournal.com/best 🇺🇸 I’m so heartened by the #womenmarch, tonight, as our nation and planet say goodbye to President Obama, and good god no to President Trump. 🇺🇸 See our #makeobamapresidentagain hats on elephantjournal.com/hats

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“Trump’s presidency is a blessing—if we make it so. The only way a democracy works is for We the People to be active, caring, to protect the rights of those weaker—our fellow humans who might otherwise be blamed or prejudged, our endangered animal friends, our hot planet. If we’re active, if we contribute—we might find our path, our cause, our vocation. And this country could be the better for thousands upon thousands of newly inspired citizens. This is not left vs. right: this is a call to kind and honest happy warriors everywhere. It’s not my call: it is your call—it is this moment’s call. If we do not answer it, tomorrow’s Inauguration may well inaugurate the beginning of the destruction of the institutions of care that have been created over the generations. Let’s light up!” ~ @waylonlewis 🇺🇸 Repost from @bekahotto – There ain’t no power like the power of the people cause the power of the people don’t stop. See y’all on Saturday, America. Thanks to #domecollective and @hellolulu2 for the awesome downloadable pdfs for the #womensmarch 🇺🇸 Get our best: elephantjournal.com 🐘 Contribute your own story around Obama, Trump or the Inauguration: elephantjournal.com/submit ☕

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