March 12, 2017

The Scent of Intoxicating Love. {Poem}

We are incense.

The silver linings that dissolve in thin air as we burn,

We take our time.

The tip of our toes must bind with the fiery kisses that face them,

Or our presence remains unknown.

If you watch us the whole way through, we will show you magic.

Angels writing smokey messages against walls,

Offering sweet candy for your senses to feast on.

Brain honey that makes your muscles melt onto the floor,

Until you are a puddle soaking in every atom’s trace.

Permeated with golden aromas and thick, intoxicating love,

Touching you in ways that meet every adjective.

Though there is only one request—

That you are there to catch the dust we leave behind,

Holding the space as we release the sediment that no longer serves us.

We will melt away together into space,

Holding each other as tightly as the magnetized particles that we are.

And saturate each other’s hearts with the sweet fragrance that pulls at our memories,

Each and every time we are lit on fire…


Image: Flickr/ PiX Fav

Editor: Deb Jarrett


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