What does a caterpillar think
Is happening to the world when
He lays down in his cocoon
And everything is dark
And everything still
And his body starts to change?
Does his whole body ache,
So much so that he thinks his
World is ending?
Does he think this is the end?
Does he think his body is falling
He must feel his world crumbling
Does he know he is growing
Wings so he can fly above
It all
And soar with the wind?
Does he know he is growing legs
And he is growing the most beautiful artwork for wings
And he will be able to lift himself
Off the ground
He once was stuck to?
Probably not.
When your life is filled with darkness
And your body starts to ache,
Your world is unrecognizable—
Remember the caterpillar
Who curls up thinking that this his final darkness
And his body is failing him,
Who is only but changing
And who awakens one morning to a new life,
A new body—
A butterfly.
Author: Liz Brenna
Image: Mark Ingle/Flickr
Editor: Lieselle Davidson
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