May 8, 2017

Date a Woman who has Faith.


“Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen.” ~ Unknown


Date a woman who has faith—faith in love, in trust, in life, and most importantly, in you.

Dating a woman who has faith doesn’t mean she devotes each Sunday to pearls and communion within stained glass walls, but it does mean that her beliefs stretch into every facet of her life. She can be Catholic, Baptist, Hindu, or maybe she’s a simple goddess who brings as many types of spirituality into her world as she can, because she accepts it all, just like she will accept all that her lover is.

A woman of faith knows that there is a bigger picture hidden from her sight, and that just because she can’t see it all doesn’t mean that it’s not there. A woman who has faith believes in something bigger than herself and her small world, which means, she will believe in you.

A woman who has faith and who has looked up to the heavens in hope will look up to you too. She will be able to hold a tender faith in you to do things that no one else can. She will be confident that her heart is one of a warrior, yet she will still admit she needs someone—and more than that, she will need you. She will see your faults, but she will also see your blinding potential, and that will overshadow everything else.

She doesn’t just see what is, but what will be.

A woman who has faith and who believes in God by whatever name, also believes in right and wrong. She lives her life trying to do the best that she can, which means she will wake up each day and do the best she can for you.

A woman who has faith is accountable—she will expect nothing less than your best, because that’s what you can expect from her. She will try when all seems impossible, and she won’t ever quit on anything she believes in.

She knows that just because we can’t see something doesn’t make it any less real.

A woman who has faith also has patience. She understands that it takes time for things to bloom. To have faith means you trust in divine timing—the belief that everything is brought to you at the exact time you need it, and most importantly, when you are ready for it.

She knows that waiting for anything always serves a greater purpose.

A woman who has faith will light up from within; her eyes will radiate the goodness of her heart and the strength of her love. To be beautiful is one thing, but to light up from within is quite another. She’s that feeling you can’t quite name, the look you can’t quite describe.

She won’t be concerned with the opinions of others because she has faith in herself, in the divine, and in those she knows already love her. A woman who has faith understands that sometimes people try to ruin beautiful things; that sometimes people who are meant to be together will have to go through great obstacles to make it happen. She understands that the only thing she can do is follow her crazy heart, even when others tell her it will lead her nowhere.

A woman who has faith is at peace. She doesn’t stress about the small things, and she takes time to breathe. Because she is at peace with herself and her world, she’s able to guide you toward your own peace.

A woman who has faith will put you at ease and give you a place to rest. She will be your quiet within the noise, and your sanctuary within a life that is constantly spinning.

She will become your deep breath after a long day.

A woman who has faith will love life—every minute of it—and she will laugh like no other. She will be honest about her faults and shortcomings, because she knows those things don’t define her. A woman with faith won’t bother playing games, so you can rest easy that her loyalty never needs to be questioned.

There’s a steady assurance that she will always be yours.

A woman who has faith won’t demand anything, but will instead ask for what she knows she deserves. Sometimes she’ll speak up quietly. Other times, her desires will remain silent—not because she questions her worth, but because she knows that sometimes the strongest sentiments are spoken from the soul.

A woman who has faith has your best interests in mind and in heart. She will be never stop striving to do the best for the both of you.

A woman who has faith will look at you with stars in her eyes. And even though she knows her strengths by name and your weaknesses by touch, she will always believe in the best possible version of you. When a woman who has faith kisses you, she doesn’t just kiss your lips, but your soul. When she touches you, she’s adoring you—each and every part.

When she’s with you, you’re the only one she sees.

A woman who has faith isn’t someone you just date. She is the one you never let go of, because there’s no one more valuable that you could have by your side than a woman who always seems to have faith—even when it’s the hardest thing to find.



Author: Kate Rose
Image: @awaudrey/Instagram
Editor: Nicole Cameron

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