July 4, 2017

The Tighter you Hold on to the Things you Love, the More they Run Away from You. ~ Kino MacGregor

A post shared by Kino MacGregor (@kinoyoga) on

Life is an exercise in letting go.

I spent many years trying, struggling, working, and striving. And to what end?

Nothing that isn’t meant to be will be—no matter how much I try to make it happen. Nothing that is meant to happen can be messed up by my stumbles.

Everything in life is perfectly imperfect. The tighter you hold on to the things you love, the more they run away from you.

The harder you force your dreams into reality, the further away they are from you.

But if we dare to dream, dare to try, with the perfect blend of effort and grace, there are magical moments that will unfold all around us.

Let your heart be light, carry no baggage, release your judgement.

Be free. Let it all go. Trust. Move in faith. Act in surrender.

But more than anything else: Let go of the idea that you’re only worth something if you accomplish your long list of goals.

It’s one thing to dream, but another to think your worth is derived from your worldly success.

You don’t need to be the “best.” You’re not in competition with anyone.

You just need to be yourself and believe in your own greatness.


Author: Kino MacGregor
Image: @kinoyoga / Instagram
Editor: Sara Kärpänen
Copy Editor: Danielle Beutell
Social Editor: Khara-Jade Warren


Relephant Read:


Are you in a Samskara Loop? Here’s How to Break Free. ~ Kino MacGregor

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