August 19, 2017

33 Rules for a Life Well Lived.

Rules for the living:

1. You don’t get out alive. Accept death, so you can live your life.
2. You are here to love.
3. You are already so loved.
4. Dogs heal.
5. Saltwater—sweat, tears, and the sea—really does cure anything.
6. You love who you choose. You cannot choose who loves you.
7. You are only successful to the limits of the reality you believe yourself to be in.
8. Health is wealth.
9. You deserve to thrive.
10. Your truth is beautiful.
11. Forgive, forgive, forgive.
12. You can’t control the outcome—so stop trying.
13. Numbing your feelings helps no one.
14. When you point a finger, there are three fingers pointing back at you.
15. Ask more questions.
16. The most interesting people are the most interested.
17. Stop using plastic straws.
18. Drink enough water.
19. Floss.
20. Call your parents while they’re alive. They are just humans, trying their best with what they know.
21. Tell your people you love them. You don’t know when your last chance will be.
22. Spend more time in water.
23. Don’t be afraid of a little sunshine.
24. When you are confused, climb a mountain. When you are scared, lie on the earth and feel gravity. Nature makes things make sense.
25. Masturbate.
26. Stargaze as often as you can. Feel your smallness.
27. Cities can suck our souls—get out to the countryside.
28. Trust that you are taken care of.
29. I promise, you are taken care of.
30. Ask yourself—is this danger, or is this fear?
31. Be afraid, and do it anyway.
32. Your shadow is your gift. Stop judging yourself.
33. Love yourself first.



Author: Annabelle Blythe
Image: Author’s own
Editor: Nicole Cameron
Copy Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Social Editor: Danielle Beutell

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