September 23, 2017

You are the Billion Different Stars. {Poem}

The night is alive, but so are you.

Isn’t it so tragically beautiful
That a graveyard of stars
Has too much to say
To the seven billion people
Who gaze up to same sky
And see such different things?

They say that the most beautiful of things
Can not be heard or seen
—they must be felt by heart.

It’s written all across the skies
Painted all over our eyes.

A billion different souls
A billion different pains
A billion different seekings
A billion different names
A billion different joys
A bllion different ways
A billion different days
A billion different stories
Just gaze up to forget all your worries.

You are a child of the cosmos
You are the universe
You are the stars you gaze up to, wrapped under the same skin.

The answers you have been seeking
Have always been within.

You are the billion different stars
Just wrapped under some scars.

You are the night, alive.
You are a sky full of stars.


Author: Ghulam Fatim
Image: Mink Mingle / Unsplash
Editor: Sara Kärpänen
Copy Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Social Editor: Travis May

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