March 2, 2018

Leticia with Waylon: how to travel and change the world & ourselves for the better—at the same time.

Waylon talks with Leticia Reyes about mindful travel and using social media as a tool for change.


Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis:

Sometimes people feel so distanced from the word ‘philanthropist’ or ‘humanitarian’ but by joining a [109 World] trip you are one.” ~ Leticia Reyes


Traveling is great, but if we don’t do so mindfully, we risk exploiting a country, its people, and their culture. 109 World is a non-profit that allows you to travel with a group of individuals who want to see the world and change it for the better. It’s run by a group of inspiring ladies who work to re-define social media and eco-tourism as a platform for necessary conversations about doing good in the world. Check them out!



How to save our World when it all seems Hopeless, with Shawn Heinrichs.

Watch: One Take with Waylon Lewis & Mr. Unreasonable, Daniel Epstein. 

Waylon talks with elephant star, Instagram heroine, yoga girl Rachel Brathen.

Big Banks are Evil—how to Undercut them, Help the World & Make More $$$. {Mindful Partner}


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