March 22, 2018

The Story I have told about my Heart. {Poem}

the story I have told

is that my heart will go further
than theirs
every time

the story I have told
is that my love runs deeper than the Pacific Ocean
and that all men who dare enter
will drown

but I will not stop until the love that I am
ripples out from the centre of my heart
reverberating back
flowing into my life
like a f*cking monsoon

the great love of my life is not here
to drown
in a few drops of rain

the great love of my life is not intimidated by
the depths
I am willing to go

the great love of mine will stand by me
shoulder to shoulder
he will go just as far
than me

every time



Author: Annabelle Blythe
Image: Author’s own
Editor: Nicole Cameron
Copy Editor: Callie Rushton

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