March 7, 2018

Your Life is not a Problem to be Solved—but it needs your Healing Presence.

At some point in our meditation practice, we move beyond the quest for relaxation and relief.

We shift from being preoccupied with self-improvement toward a natural wish to serve and become a healing presence in the world.

But, how?

How can we bring the peace, grace, and balance of meditation into the world?

The mystics and meditators have offered us a subtle—but immensely practical—answer. They suggest that we deepen our meditative awareness, not as an exercise in self-improvement, but as a way of cultivating our capacity to embody and express radiance in our everyday way of being.

This video explores the teachings and practices of becoming a healing presence in the world:

“You are not a problem to be solved. You, the unique patterning of your mind-body, your unique history, your situation—is the radiance itself.

And we cultivate our capacity through meditation to shift from particle-awareness—from the structured, limited self-identify—into the wave-like form of light so that we can flow back to the sun center, to the radiance, and dissolve all sense of struggling against life, struggling with life. We return to the sun center and experience…ahh. Life is beautiful as it is. We experience, in other words, the deep and inherent goodness of life. Of this moment. Of this experience. Of this being.

And then we emanate from the sun center, we emanate from that communion, we emanate out and back: into our situation, into our relationships, into our work, into our body-mind. Re-forming and re-patterning our way of being to be the embodiment of that radiance. We become a healing agent in our world.”


Note: This teaching is excerpted from a complete four-part program originally offered to the Wisdom Heart community. Learn more hereShare your wisdom: what does it mean for you to be a healing presence? Share here.



A Deceptively Simple Practice to see Beauty in our Lives.

What Solves Problems & What Doesn’t.


Author: Eric Klein
Image: Jem Yoshioka/Flickr 
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Copy & Social Editor: Yoli Ramazzina


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