April 6, 2018

Space will Save us All. {Poem}

A post shared by Sarah Theresa (@zenchic23) on

Better than a fine wine

is truth swallowed,


kicking down the doorstops in my mind;

clearing space for someone

I have not met;

clearing space for


The mind’s heart—


Without other,

this world—is awake.

With other, sometimes

it’s dulled.


I weep for the quiet moments.


when I hold myself

in truth.


when I see

with clearer vision,

a brighter world.


It is the space,

where clear vision


that we need

to cling to.


The space

between thoughts

and agendas.


The space

between words

and bright ideas.


It is the space

of nothingness—

pure beingness—




to save

our world

from the

the chaos

of overwhelm;

from the excess of information;

from the burden of a world at war

with Self.


It is only in the silent,

burning embers of

inner solitude

that it comes.

We beckon it forth with

wordless, soundless,

breath-guided whispers

of hope,

of faith,

of inner wisdom.


Space will come for us all

one day.


On its colorless back

we will ride into the ether

from whence we came,

goaded by the steady hum

of the Universe,

who knows

only space.

The Universe,

who knows

how to fill us up

with nothingness

so that it feels

like everything

and nothing

all at once.



The Space between Us. {Poem}


Author: Sarah Theresa
Image: Author’s own

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy editor: Travis May

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