June 21, 2018

How to Connect with our Inner Guru.

Life is a classroom—not a courtroom. 

We’re here to learn, to grow, to awaken, but not to judge. Thus, we are surrounded by teachers.

Everyone and everything we encounter offers us sacred teachings.

All of these teachers—whether they know it or not—are helping us to turn around in consciousness and to regather all the scattered and abandoned parts of our being. They are helping us to integrate.

As we integrate, we will meet the “Inner Guru.”

We will turn toward the wisdom and love that is already within us. And as all wisdom traditions point out: when the student is ready, the teacher appears.


If so, how can we open up to that Inner Guru?

That’s the question we explore in this Nano teaching:

**Note: this is excerpted from a complete four-part program originally offered to the Wisdom Heart Community.

Highlights from this Nano Teaching:

>> Discovering how all the great sacred beings are mirrors reflecting our inner light.

>> How to meet all that arises as a teaching.

>> Embracing what still needs to be recognized, loved, realized.

>> How to make contact with your Inner Guru.

>> Discovering the inner point of contact—the Sun Center.

>> How to redeem all the lost parts of yourself.

>> Moving from the conditioned self to your radiant being.

Reflect and share: what difficult situations or people in your life have served as sacred mirrors for your awakening?

Please share in the comments below!


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Eric Klein  |  Contribution: 21,580

author: Eric Klein

Image: Nick Richards/Flickr

Editor: Nicole Cameron
