July 27, 2018

Ode to a Powerful Woman—You. {Poem}

A post shared by Toby Israel (@tobyintheworld) on

You came into this world dancing—
Dancing to earth-beat,

Your feet did not
whisper apologies,
but stomped
a message of strength:

“I am here,”
your body declared,
“And I will take up
no less space
than what I am.”

are a powerful woman.

You set fire
to convention
and bury limitations
beneath the fertile soil
of your soul;

You flood
their expectations
in the fury
of your blood,
and scatter
their pretensions
with mocking laughter
in your voice.

are a powerful woman.

You bow to no one
but the earth
and the moon
and the wisdom of trees.

You reside
in your heart,
in your body,
in your power in your heart;
in your power,
you abide…

are a powerful woman.

Your toes
are roots,

Your voice
is thunder,

Your heart
is soil,

Your sweat
is ocean,

Your life
is earth-beat,

in power—
in presence
in power, in power, in power.

friend, sister, goddess,
are a powerful woman,
and we are
so glad
you’re here.


**Author’s note: dedicated to one particular, powerful sister-friend. Written for all.


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Top Contributors Latest

Toby Israel  |  Contribution: 24,435

author: Toby Israel

Image: Author's own

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
