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November 30, 2018

No Fear Friday: Reflection

This is the perfect time of year to reflect. Whether looking from the view of a calendar year perspective or in a traditional holiday spirit, jot down everything you can think of that you’ve accomplished in the past 12-18 months.

What prompted this for me was, while compiling data to update my website — I’d realized my Foundation gave out over $645 in 2018! It’s hardly an olympic number — but in collecting the data, I also realized that along with those efforts, I’d completed other projects while moving many more forward.

We often forget that reflection is necessary for our growth. Individually and collectively — businesses, even for countries.

Take time to acknowledge your efforts.

Reflect on all the causes you’ve supported this year. Look at all your accomplishments, big or small. Look who you’ve connected with, what grades you received, what communities you became part of. Remember all the laughter you’ve shared. Look at all the journals you wrote in, all the trails you’ve hiked.

Look at all the days you got up and went to the gym, all the pots you pottered, paintings you’ve painted, plants you watered, bee’s you fed.

I wish for everyone to pat yourselves on the back. Yes, right now!

You’ve done a lot. Take time to receive that. Really take it into your body and when you get into bed tonight and remember — every action has an effect. Namaste!

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