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January 3, 2019

Feel a surge of power!

When the spirit soars and becomes one with the Universe, a realm of new possibilities opens up…

I feel a great uplifting energy at the precise moment a plane revs up its tremendous power and leaves the ground for a flight. I wait for the moment, all senses alert, allowing everything within me to soar with the mighty metallic bird. It reminds me of the ‘fearful symmetry’ of a crouching tiger, drawing upon its vast inner strength before unleashing its power for a giant leap.

The feeling is as close to euphoria as I can expect to get at that moment. Ever experienced it? You would if in that moment you allowed yourself to feel one with the machine and let yourself rush, drift and fly with it.

Such euphoric rides when the spirit soars give you a feeling of being one with the universe and open infinite realms. Sometimes music can take you on a similar flight of energy. You are able to blend in with the music, become one with it and let yourself go. Your heart sways and soars, dips and curves, and the power and beauty of the music seem to take over as you become one with it. The music and the moment have conspired with you to allow you a euphoric trip.

The trick here is that your rhythm should be in sync with the music playing. In short, the music should suit your mood. It should be able to weave itself into the fabric of your energetic field, which varies from time to time, mood to mood. And once you tune in, you tune out of the mundane into the realm of extraordinary.

If you allow yourself to stay open and alert, you can take advantage of these mighty surges and take many free euphoric rides. However those who keep themselves in lockdown mode cannot hope to take such flights. You need a certain flexibility of mind, body and spirit that allows you to give up your sense of self and become one with the moment and the power that is so strong and pure that you can ride it happily. It is when you plug into the source of that power that you can truly feel it within yourself.

Dancing, if you allow yourself to forget the moment and flow with the music, also manages to take you into another world where you throb with energy. At times a sentence I may write, or something I read can take me on this exhilarating flight too. It has to have a deep meaning, and the words and phrases and the syntax just so arranged that it seems the sentence and I flow into each other. For it is only when you allow yourself to relate fully with something or someone that you can experience this extraordinary roller-coaster ride. When two lovers are willing to let go and flow into oneness, they become one with the universe. The joy such a union can generate is incomparable.

The Universe seems to throb with the energy – why wouldn’t we plug in to this terrifyingly exciting vitality? Who knows the realm of possibilities we may unleash thus and what we may be able to achieve with it!

Sometimes it is important to live in the moment, at others to let the moment go and soar into timelessness, a space that is beyond physical boundaries or mental limitations… a space where the spirit soars and becomes one with the Universe. Like music, like dance, like meditation, like the Universe around us…

Have you noticed how sometimes your full quota of drinks cannot do for you what just a sip can achieve another time? It is your mood of the moment, your decision to allow yourself to be energized or uplifted that is responsible. You are already in a mood to get high, so the catalyst need not be external stimuli… just a nudge is reason enough! If you are willing and open to the experience, most of the job is done anyway

Everyone has such moments. You do too. For some the triggers need to be huge, for others sometimes just a touch on the shoulder….

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