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February 21, 2019

A Mother’s Love – Emotions after a Sad Goodbye

I speak as a Mother of three beautiful sons, and as each one comes into your life; you learn to let more go, each time! No one quite understands why that first child gets all the strictness and the others get away with everything. I think we just try so hard to make it perfect, but we soon realize it never will be. Worry less about a messy house and only care about more conversations around the table!

It’s the ebb and flow of parenting, that lessens each time the tide comes in! Some things are just more important, than others. We hope and dream big things come into our children’s lives and we cheer them on silently from the sidelines. (Sometimes silently)

We feel their every emotion, the pain, heartbreak and joy. We wish we could take all the bad and leave all the good. But somewhere along the way, life interferes and reroutes their path! We can only hope, if they believe; they will lean on GODS promises for another day!

In one fatal moment, the memories flash across our vision like photos in a slideshow, we remember every tear, bad dream, home run, school dance, favorite valentine, first girl, skinned knee and smile! It floods our thoughts like a hurricane takes over the shore! We can’t stop fate, change its course or wish it away. Sometimes it comes after you with a vengeance and you have no control!

If only we could control the outcome, the direction and the path; but it becomes sand through our fingers. As I lay my head gently on my pillow, I realize how blessed I am. I close my bloodshot puffy eyes and trust in God that I can hear my kids voice again in the morning; fully knowing that others will not! We pray that we get another chance, but we just never know, as the universal phrase echoes in our minds, “a parent should never bury a child”

As a parent mourns a loss, they cling to the memory of and remember,  the last time they heard that familiar voice, felt that intense bear hug and looked on with the most indescribably intense love that you can’t explain. A child rolls their eyes and walks out of the house, shouts I love you Mom and you pray to God that come dinner time, you’ll hear that sweet voice again, “what’s for dinner Mom!”

I speak for every Parent tonight, each and every one of us, is grieving for a young life that’s been cut short. We are all mourning the sadness and heartbreak of another parent because we know at any given time, it could be one of us! It is the most incomprehensible pain, imaginable!

We feeling scared and out of control because we know we must let them spread their wings, but in the face of tragedy we just want to hold them close for another minute longer, press our face into their chest so we can hear that heartbeat, before that door shuts behind them!!

So I challenge you, as I fiercely challenge myself; one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do is let my children go, one after another after another! Go be a man, a husband, a father, a friend, that’s what you must do, but I will still be Mom!! There are times I’ve failed so miserably at that! Angry at them for growing up and leaving me behind! Leaving me to figure out all by myself, how NOT to be Mom everyday for the rest of my life, but that never stops! It’s a job you’re never relieved of! Ever!

In the face of tragedy, one thing that will always remain, no matter the distance, the stubbornness, the twists or the turns; We will continue to love from afar, be that pain in the ass we know they think we are, but at the end of the day, there is no denying a love quite like, A MOTHERS LOVE!

Rest easy, Trevor Wehner for you are forever loved, young and forever a son!

I pray everyone affected by this tragedy, can heal quickly, love deeply and forgive the evil we are faced with daily! We are not meant to live in turmoil but only in love! Let Go Let God ???

In the wake of a tragic loss, the aftermath of an emotional few days and after the wake of a child you watched grow up with your kids! A helpless feeling  God Bless this young mans entire family

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