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February 10, 2019


As I reflect, on so many aspects of my life that were either favorable or not, I finally realize I am Free.
I have broken the binds that held me in a place that no one wants to stay. I have kissed the hand of the devil, and I have won. I hold no bitterness, no resentment, no hatred or regret for what has happened in my past or for the things I have allowed, all in the name of love.

I may have made enemies alone the way, but I guarantee those enemies, are those that have never taken the time to get to know the mystery of, me. Or they have and yet, I saw through the ugliness and chose to part ways. Either way, I am richer for having experienced every single second of life. I will take these lessons with me on to a better place, one day and cherish them as if, battle scars, I have victory over. Loneliness is only a state of mind.

Always remember, life is always what you make of it. Love isn’t lost, if it’s the most truest form. People will hurt you and know it’s their weakness, not yours. A mountain is not as high, once you are on the other side of it. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if someone doesn’t see all of your beauty, they aren’t meant to follow you through life.

Be kind, be gracious, be humble. Give as if you were also taking, but give first! Givers are rewarded with greatness, where takers, struggle in the path. If you have made an impact on my life, you will forever be imprinted, in my heart. Love unconditionally, and you shall receive it, hundredth fold. Have faith in all that you do, and pray, for what you seek. It shall be leaked into you, when you least expect it.
May you find the peace and serenity, you seek.

Cindy Fuller a.k.a. Mom of 3

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