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March 8, 2019

A Follow-up Letter for my Father.

My Dad
Could get very loud
Didn’t like crowds
Fought for what’s right
With all of his might
Steadfast and fair
Had all of his hair
A collection of hats
A few wooden bats
His style, just fine
Different than mine
Knew how to rile
Had a great smile
A very firm hand
Strong in his stand
Worked very hard
Cared for his yard
Soft in his heart
Incredibly smart
Gentle and kind
A beautiful mind
Built his own life
Shares with his wife
Left us for now
We will figure out how
To continue to live
And continue to give
Just like you did
And since I am your kid
Allow me to say
This is each day
I wish you were here
I need your ear
I need you near
There are things I really need to hear
I still feel fear
I still don’t tear
I just want to sit with you and have a beer
It’s my dad that I miss
I can’t reconcile this.

“Cancer can take away all my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever.”

~ Jim Valvano.


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