May 23, 2019

Oh my God…I know that feeling (& it doesn’t belong in the Gym). {Adult}


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*Warning! Naughty language ahead.

Have you ever had such a handsome personal trainer in the gym that you weren’t able to focus on your workout?

Probably all of us have, and we all know what I’m talking about.

The truth is that too many instructors are just way too distracting (the “good” kind of distracting). And they know pretty damn well how they appeal to all the girls when they enter the room and let us watch their well-conditioned bodies sweat, don’t they?

And there is absolutely no doubt that we like it. We can’t even decide which one of them plays the lead in our sexual fantasies. I will tell you a secret here, which will motivate you in unexpected ways for your next workout, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Handsome: it’s all about your incredible body.

Maybe your fantasies can even be useful.

I started going to the gym a couple of years ago, but not only to become stronger, gain muscles, and get into my perfect shape—I was also searching for my best kind of stress relief, and the gym was the place to free my mind and just be myself. And it still is.

When you realize all of the positive aspects that come along with any type of exercise and you start doing it only for you, your body, and your health, that is when you genuinely enjoy doing it. I love working out by myself while listening to my favorite songs—it helps a lot to just zone out for a while. The sensation afterward of having weak knees but at the same time feeling stronger than ever? Absolutely worth it.

So, one day in the gym during my regular workout session, which was all about upper body that day, including arms, shoulders, back, and core, I had another feeling join me quite unexpectedly. I remember doing vertical leg raises, hanging onto this gym machine, and I was like, “Screw my workout plan, I can do more than 4 times 20 repetitions.”

Honestly, I didn’t know if I could, but I was so pumped up that day to challenge myself to do more than I thought I’d be able to, so I went for it. Set five was the hardest one, obviously, and I could only just raise my legs by tensing my core muscles to the maximum contraction. I was already sensing my upcoming muscle hangover as I suddenly started sensing another feeling rise up inside my belly and underneath that didn’t really belong in this particular situation.

You know, the kind that usually belongs in a scene where you’re having sex with someone, just shortly before reaching an orgasm. Seriously, this feeling could fit into so many different types of rooms, so many different kinds of surfaces, on almost any furniture—no matter if it’s a bed, a couch, an airplane seat (if you don’t get caught)—it can be in a meadow, on top of a fucking mountain or in a hammock.

But what the fuck? I never expected the leg raise machine in the gym to be a place for experiencing this kind of feeling. Especially not when I’m just on my own. Could be interesting with a personal trainer by my side though. Anyway, it was just the seventh repetition of this set, so I had 13 more to explore where this was coming from. I already had a clue, but I couldn’t believe what was about to happen. I kept going because it felt so good and intense…more and more so.

I couldn’t believe it—I was just about to have a mind-blowing orgasm from doing too many leg raises. Thank God I was alone in the room.

You may not believe me, but I’ve done my research—it happened straight away after this “feeling” which was slightly out of place. I was so confused and astonished at the same time, that I had to try again after reading that the so-called coregasm does exist.

It is still unexplored and not really a topic people will talk about for whatever reason, but I do because I don’t give a shit. To come to the climax (pun intended) of this article, here is the science-based explanation:

Responsible for this enjoyable side effect are pelvic floor muscles which provoke a stimulation from being all shaky and tired after too many contractions. That is only the theory, because they are not even 100 percent sure what is going on exactly inside of us while experiencing a coregasm. It also depends on your body’s anatomy, your state of mind, the strength of your muscles, as well as the exercises you do. As a result, it can be totally different to all of us.

But what the scientists are sure about is the fact that coregasms happen completely without having sexual thoughts in our minds. Of course, we can also experience them with such thoughts. If you want to try it out, thinking sexual thoughts could help in the beginning, I would say.

What everyone is probably asking themselves by now is if it really feels the same. And as far as I can say, it almost does. It feels like an orgasm because it is an orgasm, just way more exhausting, which kind of makes it feel all the more intense. Or just a different kind of intense.

This must be because you climax not out of sexual arousal like you are used to, but only because of hard body work and muscle tension, which leads to the same physical outcome. The only difference is you are more in control, so actually no one else can tell what’s going on inside you. This can be taken as a huge advantage seeing as you’re at the gym. But you shouldn’t hold off from moaning with pleasure—it’s quite natural to make groaning sounds because of physical effort, so no one will be any the wiser.

It’s insane what our body is capable of, isn’t it? Somehow, I felt really special for being able to have such a new body experience, and I couldn’t keep it to myself: it’s too interesting and I’m too curious. Some of my friends didn’t believe me when I told them until I pulled out a scientific article, which some of them found quite amusing. At least I made their day. And some of them discovered the same.

Wait, what? You discovered that years ago? And you had it last year during a fitness class? Well, that’s why they go to the gym so often.

Two of my closest friends knew it and experienced it as well, but none of them ever said a word. I was surprised! Why is that? Do we really still live in a society where we can’t talk about our sexual experiences? Should we be ashamed? I don’t think so. It is only normal, and we should be proud of our bodies.

I never had to work so hard to come before (usually it’s more of the guy’s task). But who said we can’t have both? Take it from me, and be confident about it.

And speaking from experience, the guys I told about my experience thought it was pretty hot. So, ever since then, when my flatmates ask me how it was in the gym when I get back home, I’m like, “So good, I came three times today.”

And we laugh.

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author: Janine Friedrich

Image: Friends with Benefits/Screen Grab

Image: @elephantjournal/instagram

Editor: Naomi Boshari


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