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May 4, 2019

Plot Twist … The Difference Between an Adventure and an Ordeal

“Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” – Bob Bitchin

For years, I have been living a life trying to be “in the moment”.  Accepting what is and finding joy in what is happening right now. And it has been great! Until it hasn’t been. Until something happens that I just can’t find joy in. Something that makes me think, “oh crap”.


I bet you have been there too. Didn’t get the job that you wanted? Health issue? Problems with your kids or parents? Relationship breakup? We have all had one. Or many. No matter how swimmingly our lives have been going. And you think, “oh crap”.


Well, I learned a fabulous technique to deal with those “oh crap” moments. I don’t remember where I learned it, but I have never forgotten it and I love it.

Here it is. After you think, “oh crap”, you yell, “PLOT TWIST!”. (Which, before it does anything else, makes me laugh a little!)


Plot Twist. Like in a book or a movie when everything is going great but then it’s not. Because there has been a plot twist.

And you know what? A plot twist is good. Can you imagine how boring a book or movie would be if everything worked out just perfectly? And if you really think about it, can you imagine how boring life would be if everything worked out just perfectly? If you knew exactly what was going to happen all the time? If you were never challenged intellectually or emotionally?


Plot twists are what make our lives memorable!

Every once in a while we need a plot twist. It forces us to make a change that puts us back on our best path. If we are open to these challenges they will help us to grow and create a better self.

Like in the book or movie. The plot twist makes our main character stop and take notice of what is not working in their story. And with that knowledge they can make some vital changes that actually propel them to that happy ending. And when you are done with the book you look back at that plot twist and think, “thank goodness that happened!”.


And that can be so in our own lives. If we can look at these “oh crap” moments and re-frame them as “plot twists”, we can use them to move us forward in our story. And then look back when we finish this storyline and realize how grateful we are for where we are now.

Thanks to the plot twist.

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