May 15, 2019

Religious Intolerance: a Facebook Encounter.

“You unfortunately are evil and can’t play in my treehouse that I built, partially because my treehouse may not exist in your yard.”

Religions aren’t all evil. Buddhism and most religions have some great aspects…Buddhism’s also super-boring, when done right, so hard to hate. It’s not theistic. Still, it’s had plenty of douchery, corruption, sycophancy, all the stuff atheists love to hate. But it’s had all of that because, you know, it’s made up of humans, and we’re all human.

That’s the problem with getting rid of religions–as China, Russia found out, it doesn’t get rid of douchery. We’re still working with humanity–there’s no getting away. The problem is our greed, attachment, aggression…and Buddhism works wonderfully to undermine and enlighten those root neuroses.

Religion equals hate? Too often, yes. But it doesn’t have to.

Fawzi: we are in the 21th century and many ppl either godless or they worshp a bloody fetish that cannot protect its self such a religion has no a respectful origin from heaven .
Like · Reply · 1 · 28 minutes ago · Edited

Elephant Journal you’re right—Buddhists probably wouldn’t go to a heaven that your religion believes in. Can’t we all get along?
Like · 22 minutes ago

Fawzi I am being honest here i am not gonne praise such a thing
Like · 20 minutes ago

Elephant Journal why would a Buddhist care if you’re saying they can’t go to your heaven? Buddhism is dedicated to being of service to others. That’s a good thing. If you can’t love your fellow man and woman, that’s your loss, friend.
Like · 11 minutes ago

Fawzi Elephant Journal It is not my heaven or yours cos there is only one heaven one god buddhist is a fetish cannot even protect its self from flies ppl worship it they thing he a god how come ? he did not created me nor he created you we have to advice each other worshipping the only creator
Like · 6 minutes ago

Elephant Journal if you can’t practice religious tolerance and love, you’re not welcome here. This is akin to racism and sexism. If your god is so insecure that you must hate others who don’t follow your path, you do not know your own god.

The point, in the end, after all, is only this.

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