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June 13, 2019

Lessons from the last intimate connection I had with a man

Lessons from the last intimate connection I had with a man:

  1. Stop rushing things.  Its funny because with this person I was talking with I felt the deep soul connection that we had, it was INCREDIBLE.  He met all the criteria on my list plus and the connection we had was out of this world and yet I rushed it.  I pushed things to be something that I already felt in my heart would evolve but my wounded child and my ego wanted to know concretely what would be and how this would play out. I wasn’t comfortable being in the unknown because I couldn’t control that.  Hence why space was created for me to move through things and then ultimately I rushed and ended things before they even really got started.

2.  Through ending things with him I realized I was codependent in the connection.  Didn’t notice that Until the pain of telling him I didn’t want to see where this goes because he wasn’t “meeting me”  or in hindsight I wasn’t meeting myself and so I was relying on his affirmation and assurance that all was good.  Instead of giving that to me.

3.  To say your sorry when you mess up.  My ego did not want to admit that I was in turn creating the space between us.  You know when you’ve been wanting something so bad and then you have it and then your like but I don’t deserve this.  I believe some of that happened as well. 

4.  I get to STOP telling people I love them too quickly.  I think even though we feel it in our hearts, our wombs as a woman, we get to allow the man to adjust to the connection.  It can be a lot when you meet a soul connection that you have been calling in and it just feels so ripe but allowing things to evolve is even better because you know when you know and thats fine but give it time. If he really cares about you he wont be going anywhere. 

5.  Have fun!  Stop making things SO serious when there not meant to be.  I LOVE to laugh, especially at myself and I did a lot of that as well honoring my emotions when things were triggered by his responses or whatever else.  I get to have fun in this process and claim my shit and what I’ve experienced.  A lot of times when we have these triggers come up they are here for us to acknowledge and meet ourselves, to heal.  Healing gets to be fun!

6.  To let go of what I think needs to be and surrender into what is.  I had all of these Ideas about him and yet if I had just allowed time and space for the connection to grow those Ideas would fall away and his true self would appear.  Great things take time to evolve.  Let go and surrender into what is and meet yourself there, then the other person can meet you there from there higher embodied self. 

Needless to say I’m sure there are more, these are just what are coming to me now.  I’m grateful to have shared space with this person.  He is a great guy and I want all the best for him.  We will see where this life takes us as we ALL continue to do the work and learn from our experiences.  I’m blessed to be where I’m at today and I get to carry these growing points with me in future connections. 

Iam ENOUGH. Iam so LOVED and Iam AMAZING <3

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