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June 22, 2019

~Pure Buddhist Psychology. Applied to modern Brain Science. True and Practical~

~Pure Buddhist Psychology. Applied to modern Brain Science. True and Practical~. This is what we call Shenpa (usually trans. as Attachment), getting “hooked” not by our emotions/feelings but by the stories we spin to maintain whatever we think is “to Blame” or to keep our Attachment/Addiction to the Drama of Unhealthy Obsessive Energies.

I understand this because I have (and still do at times) Lived it.
and have had great teachers, like Pema Chodron Thich Nhat Hanh Lama Surya Das, Robert Wright & Others, no less gifted.

This truth is both what helps me keep working on creative projects on one hand And when it comes to some; “romantic” relationships ‘Shenpa’ is still  (at times) and was for years, a source of intense suffering. Nothing is Cut and Dried in life or Spirituality. The good news is that with insight & meditation and sometimes “dumb luck”– Now I am aware of this. That is always a good thing & a source of intense joy and peace.

Jinpa Gyatso [rs.ruth]

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