I have recently *apparently* been indirectly “accused” [sort of/perhaps] of being a “Narcissist”, by a very new friend who has recently begun reading a book on this subject. So, *for the record*, Here are a few thoughts on the matter which happen to be True of every human being, imho.–
Narcissist: ‘Anyone with any kind of positive sense self-esteem and/or self-confidence, & creative inspiration who acts on those feelings.’ This is especially true of all creatives as well as those who are or become genuinely successful in any field. That too requires on-going creative passion as a large part of its foundation
Narcissistic Love: This all depends on how one defines *Love* –Lust” is a form of love understood by most as Desire/Chemistry between two beings and so long as the lovers are honest & clear with each other on this it can be a totally beautiful and deeply satisfying thing. Such desire/lust can & often does over time transform into genuinely devoted Love. (True Love) while one’s “lust” Desire/Yearning for the beloved remains or indeed deepens into a sense of unsurpassed oneness of Heard/Mind.Spirit.
Any *committed* love relationship, whether Marriage or simply long term living, living as life partners, is never ever simply a romantic joy ride off course. True Love ‘is a tough row to hoe’ genuinely committed love relationships are never easy (especially when the partners are sharing the same living space) and when between two or especially three more human beings the emotional challenges over time can make or break the group. Life is tough and so is any kind of love or lust relationship regardless of one’s financial “Wealth” or ‘Poverty’.
We neither grow genuinely wise nor gain any inner understanding of self or other & end our existential loneliness or the suffering of the human condition, through detachment, but by becoming fully human beings ‘Insan” ‘इंसान’ –and embracing life with open arms–
FYI: We are *All Narcissists* in one way or another & that is totally okay/sane/normal–
Richard Skyborn –‘Krou Riven’ – [R.S.Ruth]
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