July 23, 2019

This Sh*t needs to End, & all Genders need to Speak Up. ~ Ashley Novak


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My superpower?

I am a woman.

But, I’m a woman who is living in an era that still treats females like it’s 1948. Even though everything on this earth centers around the matriarch. Mother Nature. Mother Earth. Mother Mary.

We all come from a woman. Without a woman, there is no man. There is no population. Yet, why am I being told that I am still not in charge of my own body?

Women don’t have a say, yet men sit in their shiny, leather swivel chairs, making laws and creating policies telling women what they must do with their bodies.

There is no accountability for men if they knock up a woman. It’s the female’s fault for opening her legs. Men can sleep with whomever, yet women are sluts.

Men can come and go as they please, yet Alabama and now other States, are passing laws against women for choosing what to do with their bodies.

Representatives like Tim Murphy advocate for anti-abortion laws, yet had his mistress have an abortion.

A bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

Riddle me this. Your daughter is raped by a man. She then conceived a child from this terrifying encounter. She doesn’t want to be reminded of this attack, nor asked about it, but if she decides to abort, she gets potentially up to life in prison?

Yet the man walks away free or with less jail time because let’s be honest, in this country, especially if you’re white, you’re rarely held accountable for rape.

What would you do?

Let that sink in.

To me, it doesn’t even seem like a debate between pro-life and pro-choice anymore. This whole thing disgusts me, and I’ll be damned if I stay quiet about it.

Men, sack up and start saying something. Stand up for your woman, for your mother, your daughter, for females everywhere.

Women support your gender. We aren’t given affordable birth control or anything at all in some parts of the world. Yet, the moment we try and control that, it’s being taken away from us?

Don’t even get me started on the fact that the United States is the only country in the world—besides Oman and Papua New Guinea—that doesn’t guarantee paid maternity leave.

Women are still not paid equally in this country for jobs across the board. This sh*t needs to end, and all genders need to speak up.

I will not be quiet.

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Ashley Novak  |  Contribution: 580

author: Ashley Novak

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Michelle Gean

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