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July 7, 2019

Mental Core

Our mind has two transcendental powers for our life and reality.

The imagination that gives us the ability to visualize, and the consciousnessthat keeps us in touch with the world and its daily situations. These two components mentioned above are the essence of the mind. In this opportunity, we will seek to generate a strong core between these two components that allow us to develop the ability to control ourselves and our life.

Developing a strong mental core allows us to generate visualizations that lead to our desires. At the same time, it will be the main base at the time of decisions making and controlling our reactions to the situations we face.

To build this mental nucleus we will explore three questions:

Life Categories (Image 1)

1- What do I want to be? This will be the first visualization exercise. It is important to let the imagination fly while maintaining the ability to have clarity. That means, give the mind the freedom to create any scenario and at the same time that this scenario is precise and denominable. You can guide yourself through the categories of life image 1.

2- What do I want to do? This point is very important because it is where we find the bridge between visualization and consciousness. Ask yourself what are you willing to do? to achieve becoming the character of your visualization. At this point, I suggest you rank the categories of life to begin to generate a balance between them. In this way, you begin to generate awareness beginning to materialize this What am I going to do ?.

3- What are my values and principles? List those beliefs and paradigms that connect you with your being. What are you going to take as pillars of life to sustain your mind?

Photo by Brucebruce mars from Pexels

The synthesis of these three responses will generate your mental core.

This nucleus will serve as a steering wheel to take control of your life. It will help you know how to behave, how to act in different situations and help you make decisions. When writing this kernel, you must take into account some important points:

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

  • It must be personal, must have meaning for you and come from the deepest part of your being.
  • To be positive, it must be a facilitating tool, it cannot start from fears or impediments.
  • It should be as clear as possible, every time you think about the core you should have the ability to make it tangible in your head.
  • It must have emotional components to generate a bridge between your mind and your heart.
  • It should be written in the present tense and applicable in the now.

The mental nucleus will be the rudder of the ship that will take you through the journey of your life.

The advantages of having a clear mental core are multiple. From this nucleus, you will find your security as it will feed your self-esteem. It will serve as the guide at the time of making decisions. It will allow you to build wisdom, as it will be the support for your experience and learning. The most important thing will be your motivation to act.

A solid mental core transforms you into the captain of your life’s journey.

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels

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