I had just adopted a little calico kitten from a friend 2-days drive to the east. She was barely weened & slept in my lap all the way back home--Princess Diana was killed the day after. I name my new little one, Lady Diana, in her memory. She lived a long and very full life. She loved to go hunting outside, absolutely had a mind, heart & regal personality all of her own & would brook NO BS from any person or animal within reach of a swift swipe of the paw, claws fully extended….Diana’s time came to her only approx three years ago. She was aware of this in advance and began to spend most of her time resting outside on the deck. Comming inside.onlt to have a few bites of kibble and make her rounds.through the house to greet her loyal subjects and graciously permit us each, in turn, to say “Hi Diana”, & Stroke her lightly on her back…The one day she didn’t come to the back doors to be let in…I thought perhaps she was simply in one of her somber moods so I placed her water & kibble on the deck…After days without seeing her ad her food & water untouched, I went looking for a hiding place.she may have gone to [as Cats often do] to recover from whatever had her avoiding the deck & house. She was in the garden soundly, deeply asleep, curled up in a cozy ball her face tucked into her paws…Asleep neer again to rise this side of the rainbow bridge…
–may many tears-
r. skyborne
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