September 4, 2019

You are Not Defined by your Job, your Appearance, or your Past. ~ Ashley Novak


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Baby girl, you are amazing.

Every mistake, every lesson, every tear, every laugh. Every wrinkle, dimple, freckle, and scar. Every “no” you’ve ever heard, and every “yes.” Every heartbreak and every moment of utter joy. Every pain and every pleasure. Every failure and every success. Every ounce of darkness and every ounce of light. ⁣⁣
You are not defined by your job. You are not defined by your appearance, your followers, or likes. You are not defined by the amount in your bank account. You are not defined by where you come from. You are not defined by your family. You are not defined by any status quo.

You are not defined by your appearance. You are not defined by the judgements and insecurities of others. You are not defined by your past. ⁣⁣
You are defined by the soul of your being who gets up every day, choosing to live a better, joyful, and fulfilling life. The soul who radiates love from the darkest of places, who chooses self-love and healing as a priority, and spreads that energy to those around them.

You are defined by your integrity. You create rather than destroy, you uplift rather than bring down, you encourage rather than blame. You know the impossibility of being perfect, and you unconditionally embody this belief, passing judgement to no one nor yourself.

You are present with those around you in a world of so many distractions. You listen. You hear. You open your heart. ⁣If your heart and soul were to write an autobiography, what would it say? ⁣⁣

For anyone who needs to see this: You are amazing. You are you. Stop apologizing for being you. Don’t seek it out from anyone other than yourself.

Own that sh*t.


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Ashley Novak  |  Contribution: 580

author: Ashley Novak

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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