November 25, 2019

Dear Future Lover.

To my future lover,

Wherever you are on your path, I am there with you.

I can feel your presence at the core of my existence, awakening to your purpose, transmuting pain into power, stepping into your greatest potential, as I graciously step into mine.

I am a reflection of you, and you a reflection of me. I close my eyes and imagine you close, exhaling who we once were, and breathing in who we desire to become.

Dear lover, I pray for you each day with conscious gratitude. I give thanks for your existence and presence in this world. When the day comes and our paths align, I promise to be present.

My love for you will not stem from a deficit in my heart, but will overflow from an abundance of love for myself. I will be grounded and steady, and together we will stand, ready to rise and conquer the world—hearts aligned, paths aligned, vision aligned.

My sweet lover, you were born to be a king, worthy of a queen—and I am a queen worthy of your royalty.

May we learn to be still until our paths align, and in that time become what we desire.

I’m here.

I feel you.

I love you.

With all my heart,

Your future lover

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Yeggi Watts  |  Contribution: 2,795

author: Yeggi Watts

Image: Oleksii Leonov / Flickr

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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