November 21, 2019

No Grocery Stores for a Year: How I Grew & Foraged 100 Percent of my Food.


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For one year I grew and foraged 100 percent of my food.

Every. Single. Bite.

No grocery stores, no restaurants, not even a drink at a bar. Nature has been my garden, my pantry, and my pharmacy.

I lived in the city of Orlando, Florida in a 100-square foot tiny house. With no land of my own, I turned front yards into gardens and shared the bounty of food with the homeowners. Over the year, I grew over 100 different foods in my gardens, foraged over 200 foods from nature, and I even grew and foraged my own medicine and vitamins too.

This project wasn’t just about growing and foraging all of my food though. It was about empowering others to take back power from Big Ag. I built 15 gardens for the people, planted over 200 community fruit trees, sent out over 5,000 seed packs to help people grow their own organic, healthy food, and I taught free gardening classes to the people in my community. I’ve been exploring food for nearly a decade and I believe the globalized, industrialized food system is broken.

This was a personal quest to see whether I could step away from Big Ag and grow and forage every bite of my own food. Here I am, one year later. I did it and I feel healthier and happier today than when I started. I’m here to share solutions for a more sustainable and just food system with you.


Food Freedom, the book, will be released December 2020. 100 percent of my proceeds will be donated to nonprofits working to create a more sustainable and just food system. Learn more and preorder for 20 percent off here.



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Rob Greenfield  |  Contribution: 440

author: Rob Greenfield

Image: Author's own by @sierrafordphotography

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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