November 12, 2019

You Deserve a Giver. You Deserve to Heal.


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“I spent so many years walking on egg shells….never doing or saying the right thing. One day I decided I’d had enough and stomped all over them. Those broken egg shells cut me deeply as I walked away…but this…was the most beautiful pain I had ever felt.” ~ S.L. Heaton


For far too long, you’ve been afraid of what you say, how you act, and who you are.

Somewhere along your journey, you’ve formed an opinion of yourself that you don’t matter—you’re annoying.

Something happened to you that made you believe that you are worthless. Maybe it was abuse or assault. Maybe it was shame or guilt. Whatever triggered this belief, it is carved so deeply into your core that you have become desperate—desperate to keep the peace, to be liked, to keep everyone happy. Everyone but you.

When we don’t know our worth, we make poor choices. We develop relationships with people who have no place in our lives—people who steal every bit of self-love that we hold on to. We choose the takers. Being needed makes us feel special—suddenly, we matter.

And before we know it, we find ourselves walking on eggshells. Don’t stir the pot. Don’t upset anyone or they’ll leave. We tiptoe over the glass-like shards, just praying we don’t get cut too deeply.

This is no way to live.

You deserve a giver. You deserve to heal. You deserve to feel comfortable to be yourself—unapologetically. You deserve to speak up when something’s bothering you—to speak your mind. You deserve to be heard. You deserve to breathe again.

You deserve to realize your worth. Please know:

You are free to be exactly who you are. Find yourself. Be yourself. Life is too short to spend every day stressed out, anxious, and nervous.

You are free to be content, as light as air, and happy as can be. Stop holding back. Because whether you realize it or not, holding back is lying to yourself. Decide that you are done being stifled—no more of this being controlled by anyone else in any way.

You are free to be done being on your best behavior. Do all the things that make you happy. Make your own choices based on what you want. Be unstoppable.

Stop the madness. Stop the vicious cycle of people pleasing. The takers will just keep taking. But, life is a two-way street. To give back, you have to have something left to give.

Don’t let yourself bleed out. Sweep aside those eggshells and stomp those feet on solid ground. Stomp in the direction of courage, faith, compromise, love, and happiness.

No more eggshells. No more broken glass. There may always be a scar, but let it serve as a reminder of where to never walk again.

Another useful read: Compulsive Self-Sacrificing leaves us Guilty, Cranky & Exhausted—8 Ways to Restore Balance.


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author: Laura Scott

Image: Annie Miteva/Instagram

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