December 8, 2019

10 Toxic Habits we’re (almost) All Guilty Of.

Do you ever feel as if you are in a rut and you hate everything about your life, from your fake Instagram feed to your overbearing boss?

You could be self-sabotaging your own happiness by not keeping your toxic habits in check. This could consequently lead to irreparable damage to your life and those around you.

The process of correcting a negative pattern of behavior in your life has to begin with self-awareness.

What is a Toxic Habit?

A toxic habit is any behavior or trait that we do repeatedly which causes damage to our creativity and productivity, thus holding us back. Toxic habits stand in the way of happiness and often create a rift between ourselves and others.

Toxic habits, more often than not, are born inside a comfort zone and nurtured in a state of sheer ignorance. Getting rid of toxic habits may seem like extra work, but once we stop and look at what we stand to gain and decide to take back control of our lives, it is as easy as ABC.

How to Self-identify Toxic Habits

Have a meeting with yourself

Do this by having a sit-down with yourself, away from any kind of distractions. Arm yourself with a pen and paper. Snack on something if you wish, and really stop to think of the things you do or don’t do that are holding you back.

Write down every point you come up with (have a pros and cons side for each point). Then come up with solutions, strategies, and routines to correct them.

Remember to approach with ease; be kind to yourself. Possessing toxic traits does not mean you are a bad person or that the things you do have caused permanent damage. Identifying your toxic habits has to come from a point of reason, mindfulness, and self-compassion.


Listen to your environment; what are people saying about you? I don’t mean listen to people literally, but rather, take note of the things that you are doing and how people are responding to them. Take note of how your actions affect your overall surroundings.

Listen to the universe; do you feed negativity? Are you attracting the wrong things or nothing at all? Focus on the things that you want to attract and practice habits that are a manifestation of those things.

10 Habits to Quit Immediately

1. Self-doubt

If you do not trust and believe that you are capable of doing things and being great at them, you are limiting your chances of a better life. It is likely that you have not even begun to tap into all the potential you possess.

2. Waiting for the “perfect” moment

When I first thought of starting a blog, I had big dreams. So I told myself to wait until I got a good camera (you don’t need a camera to start a blog). So I waited.

I eventually got a decent enough camera, but since I was blogging about fashion, it wasn’t “good enough.” I took a hiatus to wait until I got a better camera. So, again, I waited.

I eventually got a badass professional camera, but guess what? I don’t use it as much.

What I am trying to say is that there is no such thing as the “perfect moment.” Start now, and work with whatever you have. If you live by the illusion of a perfect time, you will keep procrastinating and getting nothing done.

3. Comparing yourself to others

Understand that everyone is different and that each person has their own unique path. Using the success of others as a measuring rod for your own is a toxic habit that lowers your self-worth and could be detrimental to your overall productivity. It is time to embrace your individuality and learn from others, rather than trying to compete with them.

4. Holding on to the past

By clinging on to the past, you prevent yourself from fully enjoying the joys of the present. Learn to forgive yourself and others. Forgive others—not for them, but for your own peace of mind. The past happened for a reason and took part in forming the person you are today. The sooner you accept, learn, and move on from the past, the closer you get to experiencing a happier future.

5. Excuses

Stop making excuses for a negative pattern of behavior. Making excuses can be blaming other people or certain circumstances in your life.

Stop making excuses for other people as well. This mostly happens in romantic relationships. Do not excuse someone’s bad behavior or lack of respect toward you. In the words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

6. Being unkind to yourself

We are our own biggest critics. However, studies have shown that exercising self-compassion by being kind to ourselves reduces stress, which lowers the chances of depression, anxiety, and other health problems.

7. Ignoring self-care

Taking care of yourself is not only a manifestation of self-love, but it also equips one with the ability to care for others as well as maintain a healthy relationship with oneself and others. Self-care allows you to be the best version of yourself by boosting your confidence, enhancing productivity, and raising self-esteem.

8. Hanging around toxic relationships

You are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. If you hang around toxic people, not only will their toxic traits manifest in you, but they will also hinder your personal growth. Hang out with people who bring the best qualities in you rather than making you feel inadequate or constantly put you down.

9. Not getting enough sleep

Lack of enough sleep may bring about health problems. Getting adequate rest reduces stress and ensures that you operate in an energized state. You are therefore able to make more sound decisions and produce your best work.

10. Settling

Settling for mediocrity often arises from fear—fear of being alone, fear of being judged, or lack of confidence in oneself. Know that you deserve better and you are worthy of the good things in life. Settling will only lead to regret and unhappiness in the long run.

I hope these tips will motivate you to get outside your comfort zone and start living your best life by being the best version of yourself possible.

Practice positive affirmations and believe in yourself.

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Marion Nekesa  |  Contribution: 385

author: Marion Nekesa

Image: studio tdes / Flickr

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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