December 7, 2019

A Healer’s Guide to the Holidays: 9 Tips for a Conscious Christmas.

As people who work with healing energy, it’s important—if not imperative—that we maintain a high level of follow-through when it comes to all aspects of our lives.

And Christmas is no exception.

Whether you believe Jesus rose from the dead or not, December is the one time of year when everybody is pretty much programmed to celebrate, take their annual holidays, and basically partake in a range of socially acceptable festivities. We’ve been following the Gregorian calendar marking December 24th and 25th as two of the holiest days of the year for eons, but in truth, this is only one religious story of many.

As healers, we have two big jobs, or priorities. First, we have a duty of care to our fellow humans to ensure they are seen, heard, and respected for who they are, regardless of whatever wounding their spirit may be carrying. And second, we are responsible for setting a good example—a higher example, if you will—and of leading the way forward through innovative, inspiring, and conscious ways.

So, here are a few things that I think are essential for both believers and non-believers, and certainly for anyone who identifies as an earth warrior or spiritual teacher/student of any kind. This is a guide to help you get through the silly season with minimal damage to your wallet and, most importantly, minimal damage to Mother Earth.

The sharp end of the year is when we must walk our talk with even more conviction and resist the temptation of single-use, sparkly baubles with matching table settings and spreading toxic tinsel to the moon and back.

You’ll feel all warm and fuzzy for doing your bit, and Pachamama will definitely feel the love.

1. Reuse paper from household products and use it to wrap gifts. The perfect example I found the other day is the “Who gives a crap?” toilet tissue paper wrapping (which is actually quite colourful and non-offensive). A great option instead of buying reams of expensive Christmas printed paper.

The wrapping isn’t the gift, after all, and once it’s ripped off, where do Rudolph, Santa, and all the Christmas penguins go? Straight in the bin. So let go of your fixation with presentation and just give your gifts naked.

2. Avoid buying gifts that need to be wrapped in plastic or bubble wrap. You know this stuff is evil, so don’t condone it by purchasing products that are suffocated within it.

3. When ordering online, check the packaging is eco-friendly before you buy, and if it’s not, don’t compromise your values. Look elsewhere. There are plenty of choices.

4. Swap commercial perfumes and chemical-laden body products for essential oils and natural/organic alternatives that are not just safe for the ocean and the earth, but safer for your loved ones as well.

5. When asked to bring a plate to your family (or friends), make it vegetarian (or even borderline vegan). By subtly avoiding the traditional meat dishes, you will hopefully inspire others to not only become aware of healthier options but also make them more concerned about where and how their food is actually being sourced.

6. Don’t worry about giving people what they say they want and instead, give them what they (subconsciously want) and need—that is, Earth-friendly, recyclable, non-toxic, ethical products. Things like keep-cups, beeswax wraps, EMF-fighting plants (electro magnetic frequency), and big chunks of crystals (shungite and black tourmaline are your best ones). You could also give them a creative selection of seeds so they can start their own herb garden.

Gifts like these always go down well, but they’re not necessarily things that people will think to buy for themselves. They will also feel good about being part of the solution and not perpetuating the problem once they receive them, and you have created a new conscious customer in the process.

This is what waking people up is all about, and, as a healer, you are ahead of the eight ball and in the know, so spread your wisdom and lead the way.

7. Better still, make your gifts! Candles are always welcome, as are homemade bath and body salt scrubs, and people will appreciate the effort you went to, for them and for the earth. Get creative and spread the love so people know you have taken the time to make them happy (and healthy).

8. Choose live Christmas trees for your home—but not the chopped off ones. I’m talking about real ones growing in pots so you can pop it back in the garden and shower it with love until next year. All those faux trees out there just gather dust in the box and never look (or smell) as good anyway.

Our Christmas tree is now growing happily in our garden, and I have just purchased a smaller one for the next round of Christmases—complete with various eco-friendly wooden, felt, and handmade ornaments.

9. Think about giving people gift vouchers to (only) eco-conscious shops or sponsoring a child or animal on their behalf (and giving them any associated certificates, of course). Organise a massage, facial, or body treatment of some sort to help them detox from 2019 and start the new year and decade in their body and heart.

As earth-loving healers, we have chosen to be in service as sacred advocates for Mother Nature and all things natural, so it follows that no matter what time of year it is, we will be working to align ourselves with the seasonal energy, more than what is showing up on our social calendars. Express this by giving gifts that draw people’s attention to the importance of “living lightly” on the planet. This is what being a true custodian of the Earth is all about.

Wherever you live and however you are planning to celebrate the festive season, please encourage other people to get in touch with the elements within themselves, to sync with the vibration of the season where they live, and to hold their own private (and group) rituals to honour and support Mother Earth. Because trust me, this goes a long way to helping restore global balance—on both macro and micro levels.

When you raise people’s awareness and show them what they can do to help, you empower the individual and the tribe.

Being a healer at this time of year can be challenging, but if you stand strong in your beliefs and don’t cave in to albeit well-intentioned peer pressure to “C’mon, indulge with us, just this one time,” you will not only avoid the stifling indigestion that always comes with eating and drinking too much, but you’ll be proud that you showed up as authentically as you could and disconnected from another social paradigm.

Ignorance is a choice in this day and age of technology and social awareness, so remember why you got into healing in the first place and approach Christmas with the same commitment to shining your light and remaining true to yourself.

Remember: the greatest gift you can give anyone is to open their eyes and heart to something they had never previously considered.

Good luck, be safe, and enjoy this last Christmas of the decade.

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author: Denby Sheather

Image: Hernan Sanchez / Unsplash

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