December 23, 2019

Life, Death & Beliefs we can all Come Home To.

I believe in words.
I believe in books.
I believe in poetry.
I believe in magic.
I believe in the sky, the sun, and the moon.
I believe in Pachamama.
I believe in mother nature.
I believe in sacred air.
I believe in sacred fire and stars.
I believe in sacred water.
I believe in deep breath.
I believe in Buddha.
I believe in all the Buddhas.
I believe in Jesus.
I believe in Mary.
I’ll believe in anything.
I believe in yes.
I believe in no.
I believe in flowers.
I believe in trees.
I believe in roots.
I believe in desire.
I believe in manifestos.
I believe in metta.
I believe in singing.
I believe my intuition.
I believe in mindfulness.
I believe being present is the only way to be.
I believe in filling my present with meaningful work, plenty of rest, laughter, and spaciousness.
I believe in myself.
I believe in family.
I believe in friendship.
I believe in everyone.
I believe in nothing.
I believe in oneness.
I believe that beliefs are limiting.
I believe that beliefs are borders.
I believe that borders are unnecessary.
I believe in being here now. (RIP Ram Dass; thank you, teacher.*)
I believe in this moment.
I believe in the power of gratitude.
I believe in growth.
I believe in impermanence.
I believe in change.
I believe in letting go.
I believe in love.
I believe in you.
I believe in us.
I believe in sleep.
I believe in waking up.
I believe I am love.
I believe we are love.
I believe in being.
This, I believe.


*Rest in peace, Ram Dass. (April 6, 1930 – December 22, 2019) He left his physical body at the age of 88 and will live on forever in the heart-minds of the countless he inspired with his clear and heart-centered dharma teachings.

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Michelle Margaret Fajkus  |  Contribution: 57,170

author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Image: Pixabay

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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