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December 6, 2019

Shifting Your Mindset and Well-being when Your Busy and Stressed

In today’s ever-increasing digital age and demands, stress levels are on an astronomical rise while our mindset and well-being are on a staggering decline. Although eating healthier and exercise are well-merited actions to decreasing your stress levels, improving your self-worth, self-love, and self-confidence, body and mind connections, being in the moment and making vital time for yourself are some crucial factors that need to be addressed, and implemented in your life.

Here are seven tips that will help decrease your stress, increase self-love, improve your mindset and well-being when you’re busy and stressed.

1) Begin your day by Loving YOUR ReflectionLook in the mirror and give yourself a compliment. Whether it’s your smile, the sparkle in your eyes or the shape of your body, by acknowledging something positive about yourself every day will increase your self-love, self-worth and you will gleam positive body awareness and vibes.

2) Be grateful – Upon waking up, think of five to ten things you are grateful for every morning.  Take it a step further and write down your gratitude in a journal. When you begin your day with positive affirmations and thoughts, you Universally attract positive vibrations and retain a positive outlook on life.

3) Learn to recognize stress symptoms and signals – When you become stressed, your heart rate increases, you sweat, your muscles tighten and you may even experience a fluttering feeling, like butterflies, in the bit of your stomach. By recognizing and acknowledging these symptoms, you can immediately begin stress decreasing techniques like deep breathing exercises, body stretching, muscle relaxation, and positive self-talk. These will leave you feeling calmer and more relaxed.

4) Make vital “ME” time every day – Do not let your fears or excuses stop you from making vital “ME” time every day. You give everyone else your time yet fail to recognize how crucial just making time for yourself is. Whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, relaxing in a bath or painting a canvas, choose something that you love to do. These vital “JUST ME” minutes are essential to improving your well-being. Honor and give yourself permission to do this every day.

5) Do move your body every day – Clock in a 20 – 30-minutes non-negotiable appointment with yourself and use this time to go for a walk, bike ride, run, or fit in a workout. Movement creates a stronger body and mind connection, burns off stress, you become more productive with clarity.

6) Be still and in the moment – When was the last time you just sat there, closed your eyes and totally focused on the sounds and smells around you? One of the best places to do this is in nature. The tranquility and positive energies you experience in nature increase your feel-good endorphins, wash away your stresses, slows down your heart rate, and you’re transformed into a very relaxed and calm state.

7) Stay hydrated – Water is food and fuel for your brain, vital organs, and bodily functions. When you become dehydrated, you feel sluggish, suffer from brain fog, feel lethargic, your body systems suffer from not being able to properly function, and you may even feel hungry. However, by consistently drinking water throughout the day, you’ll keep your energy levels up, filter out toxins, your skin has a natural glow, and you’ll feel healthier overall.

By implementing these seven tips into your daily lifestyle, you will soon discover a positive shift in your mindset and experience a revamped well-being.

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