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January 2, 2020

A New Year’s Message

Beautiful Friends,

We made it. Welcome to a new year and the dawn of a decade.

What will you do on this trip around the sun? How would you like to feel every day? What makes your heart sing?

Believe in the beauty of your dreams and in your power to realize them.

What about your wishes for the world? And what will you do to make them a reality? Instead of standing by as helpless spectators, we can initiate the changes we want to see around us.

We can be kinder, more understanding, and patient. It’s nothing to interact with those who share our backgrounds, opinions, and values. Can we show empathy this year to those with a different point of view?

How can we care more for Mother Earth in our daily lives? Time is running out for our shared home. While we push our politicians to combat the climate emergency, we can implement small steps of our own.

We could buy less, saving money and reducing waste. How about switching from bottled to filtered water? If you have a garden, you could consider composting.

The good news is that we are living in an actual information age. New videos, tutorials, blog posts, and infographics pop up online each hour, with coaches ready to teach us about every conceivable topic. It’s never been easier to learn how to enhance your well-being.

Take advantage of these tools or connect with inspiring mentors. Experiment until you find what works for you.

This journey may take a while. You will run into brick walls, fall into traps, or realize that you were walking in circles. Don’t fret. Trials come with the territory. In fact, they are part of the formula. Trial. Error. Victory. We can use our mistakes as springboards to success. Just keep going.

My wish for you, and for me, is a fulfilling decade of love, happiness, health, adventure, growth, and prosperity. May we heal our planet, our communities, and our souls. May we have a safe place to call home, healthy food to eat, relationships that warm our hearts, support when we need it, and music that moves our soul.

As an artist, I also hope you explore your creativity this year. Produce something that sparks joy in you, and lights the world with love.

Dark shadows have been rising of late. It will take love – our love – to drive them back. Disunited, we fall; together, we thrive. We have the power. Let’s create a world we can love.

Affirm it with me:
This will be a fantastic year.


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