Have you ever caught a glimpse of rays of sunshine through dew that falls on grass in winter mornings. Have you ever witness the sparkling rainbow through water droplets while watering the grass in sun.Have you ever felt tingles and numb earlobes in chilly wind. Have you ever tried to gauge the distance of far off mountain range with your eyes and hope one day you will climb those mountains. Have you ever heard a universal sound in a baby’s laugh? How often we miss these little joys and miracles of nature that happens every day around us. When and how these miracles become mundane for us? Get up and look yourself in the mirror; is this the image you have in your mind of yourself?
Does the beautiful image in your mind matches with what you see in the mirror?
This is what life has done to you and you have done to your life.
We may have different definitions of life but it happens to everyone and in a somewhat similar fashion. What makes it unique is the way we react to it. Everyone reacts to situations differently because of our biases, mind conditioning, habits and genetics. That is how we design our life just by reacting to the situations we come across.
Most of us let life pass us by just by fighting for survival. Our brain keeps creating reality based on our conscious and subconscious fear. These fears are generated from our thoughts. Our thoughts are everything. When we think negatively, we tend to fall into a pattern where we get stuck in an endless loop. Our brain starts creating imaginary hurdles and hindrances that challenge our survival and our struggle for survival begins. If we change our thoughts, we can change our reality. We are actually working on our responses to outer stimulus. By choosing responding differently we can bring remarkable changes in our life. One beautiful way to do it by living in the present. Live each day as if there is no tomorrow. How cliche this may sound, this is the key to a joyful, positive and fulfilling life. Go out, get drenched in the rains, swim at the beach in the hot sun, play cricket with kids in your backyard or learn playing that instrument you always wanted to play.Do whatever makes you feel alive each and every day. Learn to respond differently. Learn to choose differently.That’s all that matters!
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