I am a believer and possibly also a dreamer in love. I have an image which is imprinted on my mind that the Divine energy of Love is constantly purring, protecting and guiding us. It is always surrounding us but sometimes it’s covered by cloudy illusions of the mind. I believe we all come here to give, receive and be in love. Love is freedom. Love is creation. Love is compassion. Love is a pure state of being. The more we focus on love the more we will attract it. I deeply believe that there is a divine sparkle of love in everybody’s heart and in everything around us. Cosmic love is everywhere, we dont need to seek or do anything to deserve it, we just have to open our heart and wings in order to taste it. I also believe that self – love is the first step. Loving oneself means starting where we are and accepting all the colours and shades of our being. Sometimes I am crazy but I am free, sometimes I am good, sometimes I am bad, sometimes I am successful and sometimes I am not. Its important to relearn how to say no, spend time in silence in the sanctuary of nature and listen to the inner world. The more we learn about ourselves more we will be able to simply be the way we are. Each one of us is a master piece of the
Divine. We are all Love. Sending you Cosmic love to all!
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