February 27, 2020

The Viral “Be a Lady” Video that is Slapping Societal Norms in the Face.

I often find myself mindlessly thumbing through the addicting, black hole of social media.

To be quite frank, it’s usually a waste of time and a detriment to my self-esteem.

But, every once in a while, an article or video will surface, and it reminds me of why social media is so powerful; why it can be a tool for good, and change.

The video is narrated by “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon, and it absolutely rocked my world. She is reciting a poem written by Camille Rainville, and let me tell you, she brings the thunder.

She strikes hard on what expectations for a female feel like.

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Like rapid-fire, each camera shot, and each word, punctures deep in the heart of these problematic norms.

I watched it once, let the chills run through me, and then watched it again.

I’ve decided it is too important not to share:


Credit: “Be a Lady They Said” from Paul McLean on Vimeo.

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Kate Force  |  Contribution: 651,860

author: Kate Victoria Kenney Force

Image: Paul McLean / Vimeo

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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