Some say that timing is everything and I couldn’t agree more. We wait for the perfect time to make needed changes in our lives. However, making a change doesn’t require precise timing. Sometimes if we wait for that “perfect” moment, it will never come. This idea is relevant across many aspects of life, including your career. Every professional will make at least one major career move in their lifetime. Today’s professionals are also re-shaping the meaning of a “career” from a static thing to a fluid professional career with multiple interesting jobs every few years.
Even if you have a good job, work for an interesting company, and you like your co-workers, ask yourself if you are genuinely challenged in your current role? If you value growth and advancing your professional skills, it might be time to make a career move. Here are a few things to consider before making the change:
- Are you motivated? We all have days where we feel like we’re just going through the motions. But, if this is happening to you every day, it might be time to find a new challenge. Before you decide to search for a new position, make sure to evaluate your current one. Are there areas where you can create a new challenge for yourself? If there is, tackle that new challenge and re-evaluate your motivation. If you’re still struggling to get to the office every day, then you know it’s truly time to move on.
- Are you focused? When you come to the office, you should be readily focused on any task at hand. Those who no longer find their work challenging tend to lose focus. The day-to-day of the job becomes mundane and no longer stimulates the brain. Some argue that it becomes harder to focus because of this boredom. According to Alison Elissa Cardy of Learnvest, “When work feels like a drag before, during, and after each day, it’s a clear sign that one of your work variables could use a change.” Take a moment to study these variables and decide what to do from there.
- Do you feel stuck? If the only way for you to move up in your company is if the boss retires, you might want to consider a shift in careers. Talk to your direct supervisor about this and ask what other options you have in your current role. Ask if there are any other responsibilities you can take on or if there are opportunities in other departments. If you find that there are no open doors for upward mobility, it’s time to move on. Make sure to work around this problem in your next position by asking about internal career development during the interview process.
If you relate strongly to the questions above, then it’s time to take a look at what about your job is making you feel that way. Sometimes mundane day-to-day activities can be tackled by adding a new project to your plate; if there is something about your job that is reconcilable, try fixing it before looking for new opportunities. If you’re still feeling uneasy after trying to fix certain aspects of your job, then it’s time to find something else. Look for a position that is fulfilling and gives you a new challenge. The timing is never “perfect” for making a career move, but, sometimes it is necessary to help you be your best self.
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