March 23, 2020

31 ways to Stay Proactive during a Pandemic.

Relephant read: Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon

There’s no right way to feel during this crisis—I’m feeling every emotion I have.

Fear, anxiety, and compassion as the sirens blare and I put on my biohazard suit to help someone in need. Love and worry about the safety of my 12-year-old son. Gratitude during times of quiet reflection for the friends and home that I have. And an ironic apprehension about the world ending now that I’m finally addressing my issues and building a life I love.

But this will pass—here are 31 ways we can make the best of it until it does:

We can use this time to grow from our struggle. There will be much for us to learn as individuals and as a society.

We can wish everyone afflicted by COVID-19 and or any other ailment a speedy recovery. 

We can limit travel and visits and #StayTheF*ckHome—it’ll end this as quickly as possible.

We can all start taking COVID-19 seriously—the sooner the better, to flatten the curve and prevent a total overwhelm of our healthcare system.

Our government will have a lot to learn from this experience—we need accountability and a plan to act quicker next time.

We could enjoy online #SocialSessions by the various artists pitching in—they are entertaining as hell. If you’re an artist, you can join the movement too.

We can hold accountable Senators who sold their stock early and illegally profited from this crisis. That’s a bunch of bullsh*t.  

We can remember that #TogetherAtHome brings out the best in social media—we may be isolated, but we don’t have to be alone.

We can aggressively test people for COVID-19—it makes a big difference.

We can accept the situation we have, not the one we want. These are trying times, and most of us have never been through something like this before.

We can use the time productively—to catch up, reflect, and connect with people without distraction.

We can support small businesses and advocate for those of us hit hardest—small business owners, paycheck-to-paycheck people, and anyone else struggling financially from this crisis—to get aggressive support from our leaders. More checks please and suspend rent payments and mortgages until we’re through this.

We can take positives from this crisis, and become more mindful about our choices.

We can ask our grocery stores and supermarkets to limit how much individuals can buy at one time to prevent hoarding.   

We can seek out and connect with those who are lonelier and more isolated than others.

We can keep #CoolHeadsWarmHearts while we take this seriously—panic never helps.

We can advocate for our leaders to put partisanship aside and get through this crisis as humans.

We can expect companies to make the protective equipment healthcare workers need without waiting for financial incentives.

We can enjoy time outdoors while still sheltering in place. Nature is beautiful, and essential to keep us grounded—try to get outside from time to time.

We can use this time to connect with ourselves and heal emotionally as well as physically. Plenty of time for meditation and yoga.

We can practice social responsibility—it’s not just about us. The choices we make as individuals have the power to either save people or kill them.

We can practice compassion and empathy toward others—we don’t know how much some people are struggling.

We can practice gratitude. We aren’t happy when liberties and freedoms are taken away, but this too shall pass. And when it does, we can be extra-grateful for what we have.

We can make time for good coffee and real conversations.

We can keep our sense of humor—laughter and memes are good medicine, and some of the sh*t out there is funny!

We can hope they find a vaccine quickly.

We can use the time at home to catch up on reading, writing, art, singing, exercising—rediscover your passions.

We can learn to be more creative with our money and resources—we can stretch them further than we think.

We will learn a lot about ourselves and our society from this ordeal. I hope we address both our strengths and weaknesses revealed by this crisis.

We can reflect on our priorities—using the time to figure out what changes we might make in our lives, and how we want to live once this has passed.

We can practice our humanity—kindness, compassion, courage, and support—and let the best of us shine.

And let us remember to hold in our hearts the only thing that matters—Love.


For more, check out some of Elephant’s most mindful, helpful COVID-19 articles:
How to Enjoy Life Amidst the Coronavirus Fear: Your Go-To Guide from Books to Podcasts & Wellness Practices.
What the Coronavirus is Teaching Me: 5 Lessons from Uncertain Times.
The Artist’s Stay-at-Home & Stay Sane Guide.
10 Simple Ways to Boost your Immunity without Leaving the House.



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author: David Baumrind

Image: Cathal Mac an Bheatha / Unsplash

Editor: Julie Balsiger

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