March 5, 2020

May we know that 50 is just a Number. May we know that Middle Age is just the Beginning.

Dear sweet girl,

It’s 2020, and half-a-century has been gifted to you.

That’s half of 100—which, in mathematical terms, is 50 years.

But, however it is sliced and diced, may you know that 50 is only a number.

May you know that you are so much more.

May you not compare against your sisters.

May you feel the rise of inner grace and self-acceptance, even as you rush to the internet, to check on famous women who are 50 years old too, like Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Cate Blanchett, Renee Zellweger, Ellen Pompeo, Anne Heche, and Gina Torres.

May you align with your sisters, together, as a sacred and knowing collective—resolved on leading from within.

May you feel a peaceful strength radiating from all women living on this earth, no matter their age, the colour of their skin, or their gender identity.

May you lay down your armor, and instead open your heart—with nothing to prove and everything to feel—like a visiting breeze.

May you accept who you are now, and not feel like 50 is a wall to climb. There is no wall; there is only you, sinking deeply, and softly, into your glorious and messy truth.

May you believe that you have arrived, similar to yesterday, and again, with every next moment to come.

May you celebrate your unique beauty with loving-kindness and modest appreciation.

May you drink clean water, feel nourished from compassionate eating, rest your body when you are tired, embrace the earth, feel the expansiveness of the sky, and make a commitment to climate action every day—to help the world.

May you share your gifts and presence with others, understanding that not everyone is ready for you. And that’s okay.

May you understand that there is freedom found in letting go, especially compulsive thoughts of what should be.

May you understand that there really is freedom found in accepting not in this lifetime.

And when your special day arrives, may acts of service be the candles on your birthday cake, illuminating you toward real life and community.

May your wishes for the next moments be filled with love, hope, and empathy.

May you understand that a warrior like you is not seeking happiness, but fulfillment, and that a heavy heart can be a blessing on your journey.

May you realize you are a blessing.

Beautiful soul, may you know that 50 is only your beginning.

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Cynthia Menzies  |  Contribution: 8,765

author: Cynthia Menzies

Image: Author's own

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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