March 24, 2020

You can Catch Coronavirus from Kissing. Should we Stop Having Sex?

Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


Social distancing is supposed to slow the spread of the potentially deadly COVID-19.

That’s a good thing. But what does this mean for how we have sex? And more specifically, if we continue to have sex, even with our monogamous partners?

The virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Kissing can definitely spread it. That means we should be circumspect about who we have sex with until we get this virus under control.

Cuddle parties have already been canceled in San Francisco and sex clubs have been closed in Los Angeles.

But what about sex with a monogamous partner? Should you hold off on that too?

According to Kristin Englund, MD, of the Department of Infectious Disease at the Cleveland Clinic, “We think that the risk of transmission is greatest when people are symptomatic.” So obviously, you shouldn’t engage in sex with your partner if they’re showing signs of the coronavirus, which include flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and fever.

The problem is, you can have the coronavirus and not show symptoms until two to 14 days after exposure. Your partner could be infected and not know it.

So should we swear off sex altogether until we’ve contained the virus?

Some people are taking that route. Sexting is still okay.

This is what a woman who identifies herself only as Mel told BuzzFeed News she’s doing:

“Turning down invitations for drinks and dinner and just staying holed up in my apartment and sexting is about the extent of my love life now.”

Hannah Orenstein, former matchmaker and senior dating editor at Elite Daily, advises that you can also have a romantic video date in lieu of meeting up in real life.

“I’ll have my glass of wine, you have your glass of wine in your house a mile away, and we can FaceTime.”

And then there’s always self-love. Masturbation is the only way you can be sure to get off while not catching the coronavirus from another person.

I’ll definitely be getting friendly with my vibe during these trying times.

However, no matter how bad this pandemic gets, I’ve decided I’m not going to stop having sex with my boyfriend. Yes, I’m afraid of catching the coronavirus—but I’m also afraid of becoming depressed.

I’m depressed as it is with the sense that the world is coming to an end, I could die from this virus—and even if I don’t, the U.S. economy may collapse.

So for me, with so many looming issues, it’s just not healthy to also give up on all physical contact, even with my boyfriend.

I’ve decided to just chance it. I’m going to continue to have sex with my man and hope for the best.

All we can do during these difficult times is to hold each other a little closer, coronavirus be damned.


How to Enjoy Life Amidst the Coronavirus Fear: Your Go-To Guide from Books to Podcasts & Wellness Practices.
What the Coronavirus is Teaching Me: 5 Lessons from Uncertain Times.
The Artist’s Stay-at-Home & Stay Sane Guide.
10 Simple Ways to Boost your Immunity without Leaving the House.

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