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April 10, 2020

Is COVID-19 The Winter of our Discontent?

Nature dutifully lets go every year. It allows loss and decay, chooses change over permanence. What dissolves and sheds always returns. Nature doesn’t fret or worry, it trusts fully in its process. It trusts the conditions and the timing to replace the released and forgotten with new growth and plume.  It may not be in the same exact formation, yet it re-emerges, blossoms once more, a devoted and habitual coming back, recognisable as continuation, yet also something completely new and different. It’s neither rushed nor coerced, it just unfolds.

So here we are in the Spring of 2020, finding ourselves cornered by the CoVid-19 lockdown/epidemic. Could it be perhaps that Nature is trying to show us in this very season a valuable lesson in trust? Maybe it’s precise timing by the great mother to bring us to this strange place of slowing down, of stopping, of all we know becoming frozen? Is she pushing us into a human metaphorical Winter? A time of forced hibernation and rest.  Just as Nature itself is beginning to ‘wake up’.

Is nature giving us our own internal season to shed and release through CoVid-19? Look around, we are having to let go of so much right now our otherwise full and busy lives changing into bare and skeletal routines. Dropping commitments, promises, roles and perceptions so that the picture we see suddenly looks barren, ugly, different. We are all feeling the proverbial cold winds blow.


Nature is teaching us all the time, sadly not enough of us pay attention. Yet she is always communicating with us and you have to be able to see it before you can hear it. So while she soaks us in this weird and unfertile CoVid-19 “Winterdom”, is she also giving us the gift of a sunny and abundant Springtime? Because if our external reality is always a reflection of our internal reality – what can you see. Are we also collectively preparing to ‘wake up’? Is Springtime therefore a personal and purposeful message from Nature to humanity, talking to us, showing us what radiance awaits us once this dark “Winter” passes.

If we allow nature to speak to us; if we lift up our gaze to see the new shoots, the buds, the blossom and the promises of growth all performing their beautiful roles. Trusting the new ways of expansion and returning. Is it then a vow from nature that there is light at the end of this tunnel?

A gentle reminder to soothe us:“soon you’ll bloom again, first let go of all which no longer serves you, or I. Be patient in the waiting, the new will emerge. Learn to rest a while”.

We can neither control nor alter what is already planned and mapped out in our evolution any more than we could prevent or manipulate the changing of the seasons. Nature will always win. It’s intelligent, it’s pure creation in form, so take note. Life will always flourish again from whatever we perceive “Winter” to be. After all its Natures law and we are nature.

The conversation is all around us. It’s the whisper in the wind, the smell of a flower, the prism in a raindrop, the planting of a seed and of course in the turning of the seasons. We must remember to trust her and let her teach US as nothing is more powerful than Nature’s wisdom.

This whole CoVid-19 experience might feel like a long cold dark winter, but trust the process. We will bloom again.


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