April 14, 2020

Skinny Dip. {Poem}

Skinny dip.

It’s time to leave what no longer serves you. 


Take off the layers of showmanship and ego. 

Pull them over your head and throw them on the floor. 

There are no witnesses to see how great you may or may not be. 


Unstrap your layer of protection.

Shimmy it over your hips and let it release.

You are safe in the confines of your home.

Let your armor unhook and fall to the floor,

and use this time for the conversations you’ve been avoiding. 


Take off the layer that covers your heart and keeps it from engaging.

Peel it away from your chest, the seat of your wisest asset, your heart.

Try to see the world through its big brave eyes. 


Let the layers of others expectations release from you.

Feel them brush your knees and pool around your ankles.

You do not need them in this place. 


Unbutton and unzip, rip and tear away the judgement

and false truths you have sat with and believed about yourself.

These lies that you carry like a security blanket,

put them aside. 

Now Be.

Be open. Be scared. 

Be strong. Be weak. 

Be sad. Be hopeful. 

Be everything that you really are underneath the layers,

raw and vibrant. 

Now dive,

head first into the pool of uncertainty,

and endless questions. 

Skinny dip,

and feel liberated,

courageous and free,

and capable of handling whatever waits in these waters.

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Siobhan Seymour  |  Contribution: 4,280

author: Siobhan Seymour

Image: Hanna Postova/Unsplash

Editor: Sophie Belanger

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