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May 31, 2020

Dream Wide-awake Now (Poetry in the Time of Covid-19)

I hope you’re grieving now
I hope you’re ugly crying your eyes out now
or have finally gotten just-wanna-punch-the-fucking-wall mad

Because in case you haven’t gotten the memo
our old world – the one that sold us so much
the one that distracted us so much
the one that slowly drained the life out of all of us –
is gone now

So grieve now
Grieve for all the good bits you’ve lost:
basic freedoms
essential comforts
simple pleasures

Take as much time as you need because
who knows when grief ends really?

But don’t take so long grieving
you miss the golden opportunity
to rest and realign yourself with
then re-imagine, plan and co-create
our new world wide-awake

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